The restaurant in pictures

Welcome to the Ranch des Lacs chez Françoise et Jules - Panoramic restaurant, view of Limousin Nature. Live a unique and authentic experience. Discover the restaurant in pictures.
To eat at Ranch des Lacs, you must reserve and CHOOSE what you want to eat at least 48 hours before your arrival . We purchase products from local producers based on orders. A taste for simplicity and naturalness.

What do we serve? Homemade cuisine using local seasonal products
our current menu and menu Happy Grandmother's Day Menu

It is a pleasure to privatize Le Ranch des Lacs for you and to create a tailor-made event for you, you will have privacy and comfort in a green setting.

Contact us to organize your tailor-made private events . Lunch, dinner, stay, brunch, after-work, tasting, we are at your disposal.

The Ranch des Lacs restaurant is open:

noon: Sunday - 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. and other lunchtimes of the week only for groups between 8 people and 15 people.

evening: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday - 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

and 7 days a week for hotel guests.

Always and only by reservation tel: 05 55 69 15 66
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Panoramic view, in pleasant weather service in the garden, in the evening on the terrace.

Restaurant room and toilets accessible to people with reduced mobility
Non-air-conditioned room, non-air-conditioned outdoor terrace, guaranteed shade.
If you eat outside you can enjoy the swimming pool (July 1-August 31)
We look forward to welcoming you to our home!

Jules and Françoise, your hosts.
In order to organize yourself as best as possible, here is some important information on our availability. We are full: July 13 and 14, July 20 and 27, August 15 Thank you to all these "tribe" stays and meals for meeting at the Ranch des Lacs to experience a break.